Never been camping in a tent and never will

Reason is because this brutal unsolved triple murder. They were camping on a tent and were brutally murdered at night. The victims are buried nearby my great grandparents grave. So all my life I haven't been able escape remembering that awful murder. That is still unsolved after all these decades.

People reading my stories

That is something that makes me still nervous. My blogs has helped me so much with my anxiety about sharing my writing. And I absolutely love sharing my poems online. Hearing what others think my poems. But the thought that people will be able read my stories. That still gives me anxiety. Because stories are lot more work endless hours spend writing them. Also my closeness to some of the characters. Makes the biggest difference between stories and poems.

How I use Social Media?

Asked for me or my best friend? If you ask my best friend she would say that I use social media to make her choke on her drinks. But that is not my fault. I have told her don't drink anything when reading my messages. Yet she continues to drink and reading my messages. How is that my fault? I'm not trying to kill her with a joke. It is not my fault she has great sense of humor.