Three things most people don’t understand

Daily writing prompt
What’s something most people don’t understand?

I started to think about the question these three came to my mind

I could not choose which one of these three would be the most important. So here are three things that most of the people don’t understand. At least in my experience. Here what I think most people don’t understand.

After you lose your health it is sometimes impossible to get back

Being chronically ill and it is because of genetics. So no matter what I did I would have always end sick. My mom did not know that I would get sick because it was years afterwards I got sick that she got sick.That was when doctors understand what was wrong with me.

But most healthy persons don’t understand how precious the health is and how easy it is to lose. Then when they will lose it then they get it. How they should have take better care of their health.

And then those like me who have the bomb ticking inside that it is just matter of time when illness starts. It is not if. It is when. And no matter what person does it will happen. Because it is there from the start. And depending on genetics when it happens.

Time is illusion

There is no unlimited time. Clock is ticking to each one of us and I have learned hard way how there is no time to wait.I lost my health in very young age. My years with being healthy run out pretty fast. Without knowing that there was clock ticking for me. And I will never again have my health back. Medication has its limits and illness has it limits I try to just survive each day.

But the worst lesson about time is illusion was when I lost love of my life. His death almost killed me. And to get through the grief took me years. It was so hard to learn live again. Learn how to laugh and how to feel anything. It was one of the darkest time of my life. That is why I try not to waste time. That is why I try to live as full as I can. And why I try to accomplish many of my dreams. I have learned that time is illusion. So I will go after the things I want to achieve and accomplish as much as I can. While I can.

But they are your family… No they are not. Not after what they have done.

I hate that excuse. They are your family did not stop them doing what they did. It did not stop abuse, physical and emotional. It did not stop them stealing money. Doing all those other horrible things. It did not stop them treating victims badly. Because the victims were family to them. It sure did not stop them to do what they did. Not for moment did they think hey I should not do this for my family.

Why it did not stop them? Because they don’t see their victims as a member of their family. These are bad and rotten people who don’t care anyone else other than themselves. And getting what they want and feel they are entitled to. But it did not stop them treating their own family absolutely horrible ways. Yes most are narcissistic or has narcissistic behavior. That is no excuse for what they have done.

But they are your family. Is actually one way street. Second anyone stops letting someone else taking advantage, or setting firm boundaries or goes no contact. And even to make people face consequences of their own actions. There are multiple people saying but they are your family. You can’t do this to them. Yes you can and you should!

Never listen those who are trying to shame you and force you to forgive. There are so much that can’t be ever forgiven or forgotten. Send those flying monkeys back and cut them out as well. Or ask will they let same to be do for them what was done for you? Would they be okay if it had been them? Would they forgive? Turn it to them. And if they say no. Ask why you should be suffering and forgive the unforgivable? Many can’t give you answer or handle the truth how they themselves are disgusting hypocrites.And how they themselves are supporting bad people. Still some cases even this is not enough a wake up call. And it is better just cut of those people out of your life as well. It is not worth it.

I have turned into person no matter what person was before to me. After betrayal or doing something shitty to me or someone else. They are dead to me and I will disappear from their life. Cut them out and I even move away. I will not waste my time for people who do not deserve to be part of my life. Family or not.

Also family do not always need to be blood. Found family is as real and as important. And sometimes even more of a family than that which one has born. So no they are your family excuse does not matter. People’s actions toward you tells everything what they think and feel about you. If they do horrible things to you they are no family to you. No matter what they are on a paper. You will find better people and can build better family in future. Cut the toxic out of your life.

With love C.F. Grönroos

Creator of the Mysteries by Rose

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